85 Reviews


Many people can feel apprehensive and nervous at the thought of taking a private lesson of any type. Some questions might be: Will I be judged? Will I be asked to demonstrate things I’m not sure of and make a fool of myself? Will the teacher be impatient with me if I’m a slow learner? Let me reassure you that when you take lessons with Ron, none of these things will happen. Ron puts you at ease as soon as the first lesson starts. The lessons are organic and develop at your pace and according to your needs in a relaxed but informative and detailed way. Ron is very empathic and intuitive . I like to reflect on what I have learned after each lesson and in doing so I can very often see that, without me realising at the time, he had been very skilfully guiding me towards what I wanted, or needed, to learn that day. I would also like to mention that if you have any physical limitations, please do not feel excluded from the wonderful world of Tai Chi. It’s open to all so please talk to Ron if you need advice in that direction. Tai Chi is lifelong learning. Whatever your age, experience or ability, Ron will calmly and expertly give you the knowledge to help you develop your Tai Chi in YOUR personal time and place.


Ron has decades of knowledge and mountains of patience. He lets me learn at my own pace and is always very encouraging. Ron is great at explaining how to properly perform every movement as well as explaining why it is important to perform each movement properly to get the full benefits of Tai Chi.


Ron's teaching style is remarkable. I find he has, not only the skill, but the patience to work with people (like me) who are completely lost at times. He's laid a good foundation for me and we're working on putting up a few wall frames. He has been a great encourager and I look forward to years of improvement with him.


Amazing instructor.


I can highly recommend Ron Pfeiffer as an excellent Tai Chi Chuan and Medical Qi Gong instructor. His passion for Martial Arts is immense and comes through in his method of teaching. I have been taking online private lessons with Ron for nearly a year now and my own practice has improved immensely and is now completely different to when i first started. Now i feel i am practicing a Martial Art exercise rather than than just movement. Ron has not only helped with my practice but also has helped me enormously with confidence and self belief. If you are thinking of taking lessons with Ron, Stop thinking and just do it. It will be the best decision for you.


I had been doing Tai Chi and Qigong for several years before I attended an Instructor Training weekend course with Ron and other members of International Tai Chi Alliance in March of 2020. There I discovered how little I actually understood about Tai Chi as a Martial Art. Just days later, COVID-19 made in-person training impossible. Ron and his business partner Master Linda Arksey, offered intensive online training seminars for instructors including courses on Medical Qigong, the 8 Extraordinary Meridians, the Yang 8 and Yang 10 Forms. Through this course work and teaching practice I gained a deep understanding of how and why Tai Chi and Qigong benefits one physically, mentally and emotionally. I have an autoimmune form of arthritis and it's not hyperbole to say this practice has changed my life. For almost a year, I've also been having weekly private lessons with Ron. He is an excellent instructor and he provides the support and guidance needed to improve my Tai Chi practice and my confidence as I lead my own classes. Ron is a first-rate instructor and I highly recommend training with ITCA.


I am a physiotherapist and I work for NHS in England. I have been learning Tai chi for over 4 years and run classes for my patients and colleagues for 3 years. I am devoted to continuous professional development (CPD) in physiotherapy therefore I was looking for teachers and a school that represent the same principles and also have the students at heart. Ron and Linda are fantastic teachers and ITCA provides a supportive environment for the eager learners. I warmly recommend their weekend courses to build confidence in your own practice and teaching skills. Should you look for private lessons the experience won’t disappoint. Ron’s teaching is fun and refreshing and it also allows you to reflect on your own practice making the tai chi journey even more enjoyable and meaningful.


Since my involvement with Ron, my Tai Chi Chuan & Qigong have gone from strength to strength. The lessons are very relaxed, structured and fun at the same time. My understanding of the forms (including the martial application), my movement and breathing have all improved immensely. The biggest benefit for me is my health, confidence and own self esteem has also improved, leaving me inspired to help my own family and keep focused on self development on my Tai Chi Journey. Ron is the ultimate professional , highly recommend.


I'm a healthcare worker in Alabama who was looking for a way to stay active while stuck with a pretty hectic schedule and in the midst of the pandemic. I am starting to learn Tai Chi as a total beginner, and I was hesitant about online lessons at first. But, luckily, you can really tell that Ron has a lot of experience teaching and is able to tailor the lessons to your level and pace. I also appreciate the fact that the various health benefits of practicing Tai Chi are sometimes highlighted during sessions as well. I am glad I decided to pick up these lessons and look forward to continuing to learn more!

Jenny F

I highly recommend Ron. His leadership is always concise, encouraging and extremely informative. My own practice has improved hugely since having private online lessons with Ron. I always look forward to the lessons, such a positive part of my week, especially during these challenging times.

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